Personal data and cookies policy
Your protection is imperative to us, this arrangement will be overhauled when will fundamental.Your private information may collect via your site when you connected to us to get information from us,but this is our first mission to save your information from others. all your personal information is like invisible light, that no one can seen.
Obtaining and controlling Information:
When you select our website to live updated we obtain your personal information like your identity your contact your email, your interlinking messages and not personally identifiable can change or disable your browser setting if you find any privacy issue. But disabling from all cookies is not good because it may disturb other sites that you are using.So its best to consult your browser documentation for instructions if you find any kind of problem.
About Google Advertising:
All advertisement that google served controlled by using cookies that allow google to show ads based on your visits. All kind of tracking done by google is subject to google own privacy policy.
We do not display sell your personal information:
your all personal information is saved to us, we do not track or profile to you
Personal data and cookies policy
Reviewed by Unknown
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