Nine -year-old boy saved his younger brother's life

Breath of his two -year-old brother of a nine- year-old boy drowned in the swimming pool in Germany has been restored to the hero .

The two children were with their grandmother in East Germany kurbac area .

* Five- year-old boy saved his father

* Mother had to bring the car to take bcynygary

When his grandmother baby 's nappy was taking place within the two -year-old Rudolph went home garden and fell face down in the swimming pool there .

Her mother and grandmother took the child out of the water he was not breathing .

The six -year-old Marcus called her Granny medical workers because they do not master the German language and they know Russian language .

The child was told over the phone how to provide first aid to his younger brother . He was told that he would try to get the chest and breathing from his mouth . It did .

Medics were restored before the breath of a child who was taken by helicopter after marbrg .

He said medical personnel to help them implement Marx on his instructions , despite the problem .
Nine -year-old boy saved his younger brother's life Nine -year-old boy saved his younger brother's life Reviewed by Unknown on 12:43:00 Rating: 5

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