The auto driver was brought to healing center with their wiped out
The automation technology in the US was driven to the hospital safely bad feeling Tesla car driver .
Before feeling bad driver of the car was moving on auto-pilot .
Joshua called the driver was going home from the office car Tesla Model X suddenly lost their tabyt .
Instead of calling an ambulance , Joshua decided to support the auto pilot features and automation technology Hospital .
Tesla car to a hospital 20 miles away , where they arrived safely to Joshua went inside the car park .
The doctors had been interrupted in the lung artery and may lead to death if he did not reach the hospital in time , Joshua .
The idea that could change the way adorned automate auto-pilot feature Tesla and she sets herself the appropriate traffic .
Last month, the same model of car was auto-pilot had been walking in the accident after the company said it appears that the automatic pilot was not used to feature accurately the company to fully investigate the matter promised .
US Department of Road Safety about the safety of using the technology in Tesla or not , is also investigating .
But Joshua said he was happy that they use auto-pilot feature and said they believe it will save the lives of many people in the future feature .
The auto driver was brought to healing center with their wiped out
Reviewed by Unknown

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